A lovely sunny, mid-summer evening trail race was how the race selection committee visualised the Black Knight Charge. Reality? Reminiscent of a mid-winter cross country race, after weeks of rain and on the 5th lap!
There was also talk of whether it should have been full FRA kit. Not just waterproofs but map and compass to navigate from registration to the start/finish and back. Lots of runners walking round housing estates asking the confused locals where’s the start? (Report writer wishing he’d set the Garmin going for an extra 3Km on Strava).
Anyway, Tod Harriers love mud and muddy puddles so a great time was had by all 11 of them?!?! Together with over 200 other runners all looking like muddy Black Knights at the finish.
First Toddy over the line in 25th overall was Ben Blosse, great to see Ben back for his first race since April after sustaining some injuries at the Y3P. Ben said he needs to get back to full fitness but was still nearly 4 minutes ahead of second Toddy Tom Saunders (47th). Tom is in great form at the moment, getting faster and faster on all terrains, smashing some PB’s and one to watch for the rest of the GP season. Third Toddy, also in great form was Sam Lund (52nd) and 2nd M50, battling out with Tom for most of the race.
Also welcome back from injury to Mark Anderton who fell on a marker post and broke ribs. You wouldn’t know it, just 4 weeks later putting in a great performance as 2nd M60.
Just one Tod lady in action, again in fantastic form was Kath Brierley with yet another 1st F60 place.
With just 2 trail races left to go, things are hotting up with several contenders to be top of the table.

Full results can be found here: UKresults and UKtimers – Race Results Service – Results Summary for Black Knight Charge 6 Miles, Ashton-under-Lyne, Manchester held on 26th July 2023
Report by Mark Tempest
Header photo by Pete Brown Photography