The “Toddies” forum is a lively, amusing and informative discussion that keeps all members up to date with club news and gossip.
How to join the Forum
Forum membership approval is currently suspended, further details to follow.
Go to and register. Please choose a forum username that makes it easy to identify you – it’s a private forum with access for club members only – so no need to hide behind a fancy alias. Unregistered guests cannot log in and cannot read any of the contents of the board.
When registering, you’ll need to answer an anti-spambot question. Once approved and activated you’ll receive an email confirming your username and password.
Once you are logged in you will be able to read, reply to and start new topics. You can customise your profile, avatar, signature etc. by clicking on the “User Control Panel” link and then the “Profile” tab. There are a few questions in here to tell other club members a bit about yourself and your running; don’t be shy! Only those questions you complete will display.
If there is a long delay in activating your account, or if you need any help please get in touch.
Best wishes,