West Yorkshire Winter League – January 2024

Race 3 hosted by Huddersfield based Stadium runners, was run in the grounds of at Sorthes Hall, a former mental institution. The winter leaguers were blessed with good weather as the seemingly never ending rain has stopped and the big freeze had not yet begun. There was the usual chaotic start with 500+ all heading for the same track into the woods where an undulating course suited the fell running Toddy types and copious amounts of mud added another advantage for the hardy Harrier. A stream crossing provided entertainment and a chance to wash the shoes. Despite direction from the marshalls 3 runners (not Toddies) managed to take line through the stream and not notice a tree branch covered in hi-viz tape ..and knock themselves out! Plenty of work for the first aiders on this race. 

Race 4 was hosted by Leeds based Lakers at Middleton Woods. The runners again enjoyed the best weather window possible as storm Isha was on the way but all the recent ice had gone. After a burnt out car (welcome to city centre Leeds) had been removed from near the start a lung bursting 1 mile lap got the race away. Into the woods a flatter course than usual provided some surprisingly dry miles until a fast and slippery finish. ‘Quality fun’ was the verdict later from  Robin. All the current results can be found on the Winter League Facebook page. 

That’s it for January but February brings three races on back to back weekends! Standby! 

Helen TippingWest Yorkshire Winter League – January 2024